Thursday, 13 June 2013

Study Report on Generic and innovative drugs market in Central Europe 2013 by

Compare generic & innovative drug markets across Central Europe.

Report studies reimbursement regulations; forecasts market growth for 2013-2015.

Generic and innovative medicines represent key advancements in the regional pharmaceutical industry of Central Europe. The markets for these preparations have become especially complex due to varying conditions that exist in each individual country. For example, generics represent a larger share of the market in Poland than in Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary or Bulgaria. In addition, innovative drug segments have experienced different growth rates across borders, and regulatory and reimbursement policies vary from country to country and are subject to change with the passage of each new legislative measure.

Now there is a convenient way to stay updated on changes and understand developments in these high-potential markets. Readers recommend Generic and innovative drugs market in Central Europe 2013, Comparative analysis, reimbursement policies and development forecasts for 2013-2015.


  • I. Methodology 15
  • II. Executive summary 21
  • III. Characteristics of generic and innovative drug markets in Central European countries 31
  • IV. Bestselling drugs in Central Europe 93
  • V. Counterfeit products 117
  • VI. Reimbursement and pricing policies in Central Europe 123
  • VII. Key manufacturers 213
  • VIII. List of graphs 289
  • IX. List of tables 295
  • X. About PMR 301
This comprehensive report from PMR includes statistics on value and volume of the overall regional CE market and zeroes in on the specifics of the generic and innovative drug segments in each of six Central European countries: Poland, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria. It supplies market share of each segment within the overall pharmaceutical sector of each country, along with detailed forecasts for growth and expansion in 2013-2015

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