Thursday, 13 June 2013

Letest Report On Asians and Dining Out - US - May 2013 By

Asians enjoy dining out and they have more money to spend at restaurants as compared to the average consumer, and yet many segments of the industry are not fully benefiting from this potential. Asians are family-centric and are healthier eaters with adventuresome tastes and there is much that restaurant operators and marketers can do to better speak to their habits and desires.

Some questions answered in this report include:

  • Why are Asians not making more frequent trips to restaurants?
  • Why are marketers not reaching out to Asian restaurant patrons?
  • Are restaurant menus either too Asian or not Asian enough?

Table of Content

Scope and Themes
What you need to know
Data sources
Consumer survey data
Abbreviations and terms

Executive Summary
The consumer
Asians are less frequent diners but over index on fine dining and food trucks
Figure 1: Restaurant usage by type of restaurant, by race/Hispanic origin, October 2012
Family concerns influence restaurant choices
Figure 2: Factors that influence Asian consumers’ restaurant choices, by presence of children in household, February-March 2013
South Asians look for restaurants that cater to dietary preferences
Figure 3: Asian consumer behavior at restaurants, by ancestry/racial heritage, February-March 2013
Asians are dedicated to beverages
Figure 4: Asian Americans’ beverage purchases at restaurants, by age, February-March 2013
The market - U.S. Asian population

Spending and Inflation
Key points
Mintel’s market size: Spending growth slows
Figure 3: Germany: Mintel’s estimated DIY market size (incl. VAT), 2008-12
Figure 4: Germany: Breakdown by product category of Mintel’s DIY market size, 2012
Figure 5: Germany: Spending on DIY-related goods per capita (incl. VAT), 2008-12
Spending breakdown: Gardening hit in 2012
Figure 6: Germany: Consumer spending (incl. VAT), 2008-12
Figure 7: Germany: Harmonised index of consumer prices: Annual % change, Sep 2012-Feb 2013
Volatile energy prices provide opportunities?
Figure 8: Germany: Harmonised indices of consumer prices, Annual % change, January 2011-March 2013

Channels of Distribution
Key points
Specialists dominate
Figure 9: Germany: Estimated distribution of spending on DIY-related goods, 2012
Figure 10: Germany:’s DIY homepage, April 2013
Figure 11: Germany:’s DIY homepage, April 2013
Specialists’ share of spending
Figure 12: Germany: DIY specialists sector sales as percentage of Mintel’s DIY market size, 2008-12

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